
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Ashtar and Others on our Ascension

August 16, 2014 - Ashtar and Milton Cooper --- After 18 years in the intelligence of the American Navy, Milton William Cooper was killed Nov. 5, 2001 (see our pages: The terrible fate of Milton W. Cooper and The Milton W. Cooper revelations) for, among others, tried to tell the world the real reasons of another murder, that of President John F. Kennedy November 22, 1963.

Despite the 38 years between these two murders and very different scenarios set up for their execution, they were actually both sponsored by the same group of individuals, whose leaders have been trying for decades to prevent the Ashtar Command to complete his glorious mission: to awaken the people of the Earth to the Christ consciousness and open the path to Ascension.

Light and Darkness remain for some time, inextricably intertwined on this planet. And it is almost impossible to understand the extraordinary work Ashtar Sheran today, Sananda and all our brothers and sisters of the Agreement participating in the mission of Ascension, without knowledge of facts that occurred during the recent history of our humanity.

So back a few decades back ...

From the late 1940s, a significant number of aliens became interested in our planet for various and sometimes contradictory reasons. Some wanted to help us, others on the contrary make us their slaves and turn us into human cattle. However, any passage of a quantum reality fifth dimension to a 3D reality some risk. According to Milton Cooper, between January 1947 and December 1952, 13 vessels aliens crashed in the United States. 13 of these wrecks, 65 bodies of dead aliens and a survivor type "non-humanoid" were recovered. The American government, led by President Truman decided to keep these extraterrestrial incursions as secret as possible. He did everything in his power to discredit the many reports of UFO sightings and launched a disinformation campaign directed to the general public. This policy was framed by the Air Force and the CIA.

In 1953, Eisenhower became president. During the first year of his term, at least 10 alien spacecraft crashed in the United States and the wreckage was found in their 26 dead aliens and four survivors, all of type "non-humanoid". The same year, hundreds of eyewitness accounts of UFOs were reported in the United States. And a team of American astronomers claimed to have identified in the three objects moving towards Earth before taking a very high orbit around the equator area. These three UFOs were obviously huge spaceships.

It was at this time that an alien-human group appeared for the first time in the United States. These aliens presented themselves to the government of the United States under the name "Ashtar Command 'd' and identified themselves as representatives of an alien community" supra-physical. "They exhorted the leaders of the Pentagon not to establish contact with the vessels orbiting the equator. At the same time, they offered protection against the threat these vessels accounted for in their earthly humanity, and their assistance in our spiritual development.

They also put the American government warning against any development of our economy making use of nuclear energy, but offered no alternative technology, claiming that humanity must first learn how to properly handle what she had already possession and it was still spiritually incapable. They were convinced that we would use any new technology to destroy ourselves. As they say on a path of self-destruction, we need more spiritual than technology. However, they were willing to give us a technological assistance if the United States and its allies agreed to destroy all their nuclear arsenal. They explained that we must stop killing each other and that we should now learn to live in harmony with each other. Finally, representatives of the Ashtar Command began the American authorities warn against all economic activities leading to pollute the Earth and rape to remove its natural resources.

The President of the United States then decided to reject the warnings of the Ashtar Command and allowed instead to representatives of vessels in orbit around the equator landing on Edwards AFB. These visitors were reptilian gray skin. Since then, they are called "the Grey." The president decided to keep all trade secrets of American soldiers with the strange being, and made sure that Congress and the American people know nothing about. He even went further and knowingly enfreignit its constitutional mandate by signing a secret treaty with them. This treaty allowed the Americans to take advantage of some very advanced technologies held by Gray, in exchange for the opportunity that was given to them to study human DNA to improve their own species. The treaty also gave permission for Gray to kidnap American citizens for limited operations vivisection, as long as their health does not directly have to suffer and at the end of the operation, they are brought back to the place of removal without being able to remember what they had to endure.

Finally, the treaty allowed Gray to have access to underground bases in the United States to conduct their operations, and the Americans, using the ships and technology to build Grey bases on other planets in our solar system . The truth about these bases was discovered by a British television crew investigating the "brain drain" (the brain drain). In particular, they discovered that the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union was a mounting cover for diverting attention from the media and people of both countries of certain of their staffs military in association with extraterrestrials. They discovered that prominent scientists had been abducted by aliens to study their brains, as settlement activities slaves took place on the Moon and Mars and all inconvenient witnesses were systematically eliminated. This amazing deal was presented in 1977 on British television as a documentary, and then developed in a book called "Alternative 3".

Although certain information concerning these covert operations with Gray eventually circulate, they are generally remained until today one of the best kept secrets in the history of the United States. Milton Cooper stated in 2001, before being killed himself, that when President Kennedy revealed to some members of his government that he was aware of all this, he considered it his duty to speak to Congress and the nation and would do so in a great TV spot, we stopped him by assassination in Dallas.

Cooper reported a story about it quite funny! The fact that Congress had not been informed of the secret American military liaison with Grey, finance joint operations was a major problem. This problem was solved for years by siphoning money from budgets for the space program. But as the misappropriated funds were increasingly huge and therefore levies increasingly difficult to conceal, from the 70s, it was decided to raise the money through the CIA importing drugs from to South America via the extraction of oil platforms off the coast of Texas. According Cooper, the senior official who approved the operation of drug trafficking, is the same one who later became President of the United States, before moving a few years later over to his son!

After the refusal of the American government to work with the Ashtar Command, the Brothers of the area decided to apply directly to the American people by replacing the recording of the sound in various television and radio band with a spiritual message . This same procedure was then repeated in other countries. In England, for example, January 8, 1971, during a radio show hosted by Rex Dutta during which listeners could intervene directly by phone, and then he thought a call from a British listener, the presenter found himself despite him being broadcast on the air a strange "Message from a flying saucer." This message was recorded and the text published the following year in the book of the same title.

Another time, November 26, 1977, reached a representative of Ashtar Sheran to make its voice heard to many viewers in London and the southeast of England during the newscast early evening on ITV. It seems that five different issuers were "requisitioned", if you will, for the occasion. Television Engineers were unable to stop the delivery of his message, which lasted more than 5 minutes; all their monitoring instruments indicated that the issuance was following its normal course!

The chain managers did their best to convince viewers that the incident was just a bad joke and tried to destroy the recording of the show. But Rex Dutta managed to get a copy on cassette. Message text was finally published in the January issue of 1978 from its monthly news journal Viewpoint Aquarius (Viewpoint Aquarius).

The message said:

"We are talking now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over your planet Earth. We just warn you of the destiny of your race and your world, so you can communicate with your fellow humans the way that you should follow to avoid disasters which threaten your world and the beings that are part of the worlds around you . We tell you this so you can take part in the great revival when the Earth will enter the New Age of Aquarius.

The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but this will only be possible if your leaders are aware of the negative forces that cloud their judgment.

Be quiet and listen, because the opportunity may not arise again. For many years your scientists, your governments and generals have refused to heed our warnings. They continued to experiment with the evil forces you call nuclear energy. Atomic bombs can destroy the Earth and the beings of your brothers worlds in an instant. Waste systems operating with nuclear energy will poison your planet for many thousands of your years to come.

We who follow the path of evolution for far longer than you have realized how nuclear energy is always directed against life. There can be no peaceful application of this energy. Its use and research devoted to it should be abandoned immediately; otherwise you may be all destroyed. All weapons must be eliminated. The time for conflict is over. Race you belong can now access the higher planes of evolution, if you will show worthy.

The time that you have to learn to live together in peace and goodwill is very short. Small groups spread across the globe, you will be trained to transmit light of the nascent New Age. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass into the higher realms of spiritual evolution.

Also be aware that there are many false prophets and guides operating in your world. They will suck your energy - the energy you call money - they will use it for nefarious purposes and what they give you in return will have no value. Your inner divine being can protect you against that. You must learn to be more sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you and you guide yourself on the path of evolution.

This is our message to our dear friends. We've watched them grow for many years as you have also observed our lights in your skies. You know now that we are there and that there are more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists are willing to admit. We are very concerned about you and are concerned about your journey to the Light.

Do not be afraid. Because we will do everything we can to help you. Search only to know you and to live in harmony with the laws of your planet Earth.

We, the members of the Ashtar Galactic Command, thank you for your attention. We will now leave the plans of your existence.

Be blessed by the Supreme Love and Truth of the One. "

Since that historic message the emissaries of the Ashtar Command chose to speak to humanity primarily lever channeling. Of course, any information from telepaths and human channels should a priori be treated with caution. But for those of us who have worked to improve their inner listening and strengthening their discernment, many messages thus transmitted from vessels of the Ashtar Command need to be treated with care, respect and humility.

The most significant channeled under the leadership of the Ashtar Command messages were transmitted into the 1980s by Herbert Victor Speer under the Mediale Friedenskreis, scientific research association telepathic he founded in Berlin just after the Second World War. Speer, who had developed an operating technique of automatic writing to transcribe with amazing accuracy of messages captured in the fourth and fifth dimensions, presented extraordinary revelations about Métharia planet with two suns (belonging to Alpha Centauri system), where the lives of people with Ashtar Sheran Santiniens is the head, on their amazing astronautical propulsion systems and the current mission to the humanity of those people who have over us a technological lead of about 12,000 years.

Then, from 1986, an American named Eric Klein 's who took his torch in Santa Cruz, California. Eric began to consciously channel the guidelines Ashtar Command, and from 1988 he began to channel public and organize evenings weekly meeting with him until that day in January 1990 when he was asked to pass a course on the theme of the Ascension.

It was in November 1991 that the great American physicist David Ash heard the five cassettes of this course for the first time. He was then in Queensland at the beginning of a speaking tour in Australia. Starting from a study he had conducted on the physics of vortex, he had arrived in the early 70s to the deduction that the physical Ascension was possible, as an alternative to the process of death, and he had already, in 1975, the opportunity to explain how he planned the process of physical ascension through the creation of an energy spiral, at a conference podium Michael Faraday of the Royal Institute of Great Britain (Royal Institute of Great Britain).

In 1977, in his allegory, "The Tower of Truth" (The Tower of Truth), he had already mentioned this idea to explain the Ascension of Christ, and in 1990, in Science of the Gods (The Science of the Gods) he had applied to various biblical and mythical characters. Cassettes Eric Klein made him realize that Ascension and physical immortality could happen to us all and to each of us today, not only affect certain people more or less legendary belonging to a past gone.

The hypothesis of David Ash seemed confirmed by the book of Dr. James Hurtak entitled "The Keys of Enoch" and published in 1973, in which the American researcher explained how he had himself been exempt from the effects of physical space and time through the Ascension process before receiving the 64 Keys of Enoch. But one of the keys of Enoch has just David Ash as the founder of the new astrophysics!

NOTE: Keys Enoch (1973) 's is a philosophical text as well as a metaphysical code. He recounts the experience of a higher consciousness on how the human race is permanently connected to the evolving structure of an immanent universal Intelligence. This connection is established through the 64 sectors that comprise the Science of the future. The assumptions in the Keys of Enoch seem to be confirmed by the latest developments in quantum physics.

A few years later, a telepath named Solara went around the world to explain the importance of the January 11, 1992 and stated that it was important to celebrate this day, because that would open a door for interdimensional Ascension. Thousands of people answered his call and formed a network from Egypt to New Zealand and Great Britain to Australia, to the Americas, to celebrate the beginning of a twenty year period during Ascension which could take place for the Earth and its inhabitants.

According channeled by Eric Klein messages and those who followed him (Monique Mathieu Cathy Muller through David Wilcock and many others), the Ashtar Command is an action force operating in the fifth dimension on behalf of a huge community of supra-physical beings known as the Great White Brotherhood or Galactic Brotherhood. Many members of the Great White Brotherhood have incarnated at different times on Earth as leaders, teachers and healers and they are known to their peers as different from those they used in those specific missions names.

The Ashtar Command is working right now to help the Ascension of the Earth, humans and his other life forms, under the command of Sananda. Sananda is the supreme leader, along with the primary responsibility for this ascension process. In fact, Sananda lived on Earth there are about 2000 years, when it was known as Jesus Christ. The intervention force it controls is actually led by Ashtar Sheran, a being whose level of development is similar to that of Sananda. Ashtar Sheran is a specialist in the Ascension process and works alongside Sananda as coordinator and technical adviser.

All recent predictions of Ascension revolve around a few simple ideas: we come to the end of a cycle; Earth is for the Ascension, but given the threat of destruction hanging over it, the later stage of the evolution of our planet can not be delayed further. A choice is offered today so we either we ascensionnons with the Earth, or we stay behind changes in the physical universe and continue the cycle of birth and death on other planets. If we want to live the Ascension three occasions we were, we are and we will be offered. These three opportunities are described by telepaths as "three waves of Ascension." These three waves, as well as cleaning of its own prior to Ascension and its recreation planet, should in principle take place by the end of 2012.

A first wave of Ascension, anticipated for several thousand people, has already taken place. Another is about to begin and could affect millions of people worldwide. It coincides with the early stages of major geophysical changes announced in the great prophecies and triggered by astronomical anomalies.

The third wave, expected before the end of 2012, will represent the last opportunity qu'auront people to awaken to the opportunity of Ascension. This third wave will be accompanied by the physical removal of animals and that of innocent children and adults who are not ready to ascend, but nevertheless desire to leave the planet before its ultimate purification.

In the tapes on Ascension Eric Klein 's, Sananda is presented as a human being who began a personal journey of Ascension at the end of his life on Earth. But in doing so, he laid the way for a human mass ascension at the time that we are experiencing today. Its current mission is to help us make the quantum leap into the fifth dimension and beyond.

Those ascensionneront not die and never grow old. They no longer suffer from the disease or limitations that are still part of our current physical life on Earth.

In his messages, Sananda has repeatedly insisted on the fact that Ascension is an opportunity that occurs only rarely on the scale of cosmic time, whereas it is now accessible to every human being incarnated on our planet, whatever their race, skin color, rank or creed. That is why we must take advantage of this gift that is currently available to all men and all women freed from fear and hatred, if they have a loving heart.

To ascend, everyone should begin by loving him and loving others unconditionally, and then adopt a certain detachment vis-à-vis the things of this world. It is also important to appreciate and respect the Creator - whatever the perception that we have of Him.

To prepare for ascend, the Brothers and Sisters of Space suggest practicing yoga and breathing exercises. All yoga or relaxation techniques are good, provided they achieve inner calm and develop harmony. Sananda also insists there is no need to belong to a religion or a spiritual community to ascend; we must first engage with confidence on the path of universal love.

In the teachings transmitted by the Ashtar Command, Eric Klein explains that when Ascension will happen to us, it will happen without warning. Suddenly, a light opening appears, and this can occur both in a state of sleep than wakefulness. To ascend the time comes, the person will simply step into the Light.

To facilitate the process of Ascension, members of the Ashtar Command will use organic body of fifth dimension. In the Keys of Enoch, these vehicles are called "Merkabah." The Merkabah is used by the body to be in the fifth quantum reality, in the same way as the physical body are used by embodied beings in the physical universe. The only difference is that the Merkabah coordinates the Higher Self with the human body. The Merkabah can take many forms. Sometimes they appear as a halo - an aura or light wrap - associated with the energy of a spiritual Master. Other times they are manifested in the form of a column or a pyramid of light. Kabbalists describe as a spiritual body or light body.

The Merkabah is a kind of spiritual vehicle for every human soul to merge with the higher self in the fifth dimension or fifth quantum reality. But it is also an interdimensional spacecraft ascended beings that gives unlimited freedom of movement across the Universe. It is for this reason that in the Keys of Enoch, it is called "the vehicle of vehicles." This vehicle allows travel between different dimensions through the Light; it can project a system of life or galaxy in the system or galaxy life of another universe in and out of physical space and time. He can do, because this car has the ability to move faster than the speed of our light.

The chariot of fire took Elijah was actually a Merkabah. Jesse and Ézékhiel saw them as a Merkabah and described it as "wheels within wheels". It was also a Merkabah which, hidden by a lenticular cloud, carried Jesus Christ to Devachan during his Ascension. And it's even a fleet of Merkabah which will lift humanity out of physical space and time, over the three waves of Ascension. The ships of the Ashtar Command are not, strictly speaking, vessels, in the physical sense of the term.

Some words such as "ship" or "Command" (Command) are only metaphors defined by a consensus among the people of today, the same way that expressions such as "Chariots of Fire" or "angels adults "were used in the distant past.

The body of the fifth dimension, or Merkabah, appear to mediums such as bio-satellites extending for miles in all directions, just like the eyes of the microbe, the physical body may look like a huge universe. The Merkabah can contain internal modified atmosphere to suit its occupants, as well as entire ecosystems, oceans, lakes and mountains, with simulated days and nights. They operate through a living embodied technology is far ahead of anything that modern man can understand. So, it's not hard metal vessels, but by green lush organic, and especially "live"!

The Merkabah manifest in the physical universe, to evacuate and raising vibrational humans, animals and plants, each time a planetary ecosystem collapses. Millions of Merkabah currently waiting for the moment to come down and materialize in physical space and time to evacuate Earth when the third wave of Ascension. Physical evacuation will be offered to those who wish to avoid destruction, when the Earth will enter the final phase of its transition to the status of Ascended planet.

Before the physical evacuation, those who will be prepared for Ascension will be "transported" in a Merkabah through a process of teleportation described in Keys of Enoch as "the transvirulence" and in The Science of the Gods (Science of the Gods) as "transubstantiation." Each individual will disappear from the physical space and time when it will enter the opening of Light on the end of teleportation beam. The moment it penetrate into the beam, it will be teleported into the fifth "paradise" dimension.

The second phase of the Ascension process can take place during any of the three waves of Ascension. The second phase consists of the transmutation of the physical body ascended body of fifth dimension. The Ashtar Command predicted that those who would be part of the first wave of Ascension have the opportunity to return to Earth as ascended beings to awaken the rest of humanity to this possibility of Ascension.

The Keys of Enoch show that prediction and report the sudden appearance of 144,000 Ascended Masters on Earth, which will transform the world and will push the clouds of darkness and despair. The appearance of 144.000 Masters is also announced in the ancient prophecies of the Maya Indians. According to Professor Harley Swifdeer, it is part of the ancient Mayan calendars that "shortly before the end of time (2012 according to our own schedule), 144,000 teachers illuminated by the Sun Dance awaken fully in their dream body-mind. They will begin to meet in their own wheels feathered serpent or winged serpent (merkabah) and become a force majeure Light, able to help the rest of humanity to dance awakening from his dream. "

This also provides an explanation for the existence of the 144,000 elect mentioned in the Apocalypse of St. John. Chapter 7 of the Apocalypse indeed refers to a variety as possible, from all nations and dressed in what John perceived as white dresses. This could be a description of the light body of all those who, following the awakening of 144,000, will amount to turn in the Light during the second and third wave of Ascension. Jean also said that it is those who have been "cleaned" (purified) by the time of great distress, a period of seven years of great tribulation. This allegory refers to various natural disasters predicted as inevitable as they also aim to allow the Earth itself to cleanse the evils of industrial civilization and its pollution before his own ascension.

The Ascension is the culmination of all the self-transformation process that human beings undertake through their successive physical incarnations on Earth. It corresponds to the final resurrection and is an integral part of the belief structure of many of the world religions. It is accessible to all those who recognize and respect the Creator - who can be known only as Love and Light - and accept his pervading reality.

Preparing for Ascension can be done through any spiritual practice, or even simply living a simple, good and just life. All information channeled in recent years emphasize the fact that what a person believes is far less important than how that person lives and put into practice what she believes. This information also indicates clearly that no religious group has a monopoly of truth.

If our dogmas were not tarnished by religious intolerance and bigotry, if Ascension was finally seen as an evolutionary step necessary and unavoidable, it seems clear that personal rather than religious beliefs qualities would establish the criteria necessary for this great quantum leap that we are all called to do.

Everyone is a potential candidate for Ascension, but only those who are prepared will be able to make the leap. For thousands of years, our religions have promised a spiritual life after death to those who are willing to submit to their exclusive ideologies. Science, in response to religion, has denied all spiritual things and all forms of life after death. Science now needs to be saved from skepticism, as religion needs to be saved from bigotry. The Ascension is however based on scientific and religious principles; it is a biophysical process that offers an alternative to the blind slavery orchestrated by our religions.

We all need a path of truth and knowledge that can save us from the ties that bind us to the physical plane of existence and the endless round of death and rebirth, forcing us to suffer from aging and disease. The Science of Vortex, the Science of Ascension is now the only path that can lead humanity to true life, life without death in the universe to which we already belong.

Based on the extraordinary testimony of David Ash
Translation / Adaptation: Alain Goomaghtigh / Olivier Rouvroy (December 2004)

Copyright © 2007 - - All rights reserved
 — with Crystal Galactic Vortex.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Message of Lady Nada, Mother Mary and Kuan Yin. 30.11.2012

June 27, 2012

Message of Lady Nada, Mother Mary and Kuan Yin. 30.11.2012

That love of the Goddess and the Divine blessings flow abundantly to receive them in the heavenly and maternal energies. We, Lady Nada, Mother Mary and Kuan Yin are uniting our energy and consciousness, so that we can speak to you as one, directly to the power unit into your being. Because of our similar intentions and fusion of vibration of our energy, our energy keeps more power and loving force, as we connect with his being at this time. We are always focusing on strengthening the light of the Goddess. By connecting our energies with each other and we project our consciousness to you, we are able to strengthen their own vibration and light of the Goddess.

Please take a deep breath with a focus on connecting with our energies and as you exhale, let the Goddess vibration of your being to elevate and expand from its being. To recognize the vibration of the Goddess and her wonderful awareness into your being, should consist only of an intention simply.

The vibration of the Goddess is forming on Earth with immense power. Not only are we seeing the vibration of the Goddess arise from many, but we are able to understand that the expansion in December 2012, will allow the strength and purity of the Goddess emerge as an energy equal to the Creator, as recognized by all. We, Lady Nada, Mother Mary and Kuan Yin introduce ourselves to you today to remind them of your Goddess and I help them understand that the process of ascension you and the Earth are achieving at the moment and will experience in December 2012, is the elevation of the Goddess equal force to any other aspect of the Creator.An awakening of the Goddess vibration is occurring right now in the rise, while everyone focuses on their own meditations and spiritual qualities. When the Goddess arise then it will support an explosion of love on earth, as if love were showing up at all and from all. The vibration of the Goddess acts as a foundation this time for awakening and the manifestation of the vibration of love was.

Please take a moment to honor and thank the Goddess for vibration facilitate greater awakening and the perception of love at all. Breathe again, accepting the vibration of the Goddess around you, and as you exhale, let the vibration of the Goddess emerge and expand within your being. Notice how a river of love, small or large, follow your focused intention, radiating and expanding your vibration of the Goddess.

The river of love of which we speak, flowing after you expire with a focus on expanding its I the Goddess. As you become more expansive in their energy and their breath, every connection you make love awaken within.The vibration of the Goddess is extremely essential to increase the vibration that is being created on Earth and all, thus facilitating the process of ascension. With the increased focus on the love flowing, just for a second between your inspiration and expiration river, you can help support the flow of vibration of the Goddess Creator of the river.

This time with the focus on the Goddess vibration that arises, there is a need to understand that the vibration of the Goddess may arise in each of us equally, whether you are in a male or female physical body. This is not a movement to empower female souls in physical bodies, but a movement to empower everyone with the vibration of the Goddess.

Please take a deep breath, recognizing this awareness of equality in his being; expire while, know that greater knowledge will flow from you.

We unite our consciousness as one, together, today, to speak of their emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.Right now, on Earth, there is a great deal of light on Earth and anchoring into your being, and emerging from the earth and of his being, which instigates the energy changes. This may mean that your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies can become unbalanced. The imbalance usually purifies their being in time, but in order to stay focused and in harmony when many simultaneous changes occur, there is a need to be able to correct any imbalance that may occur in the emotional, mental and spiritual body.

Your spiritual body is currently being flooded with light vibrations. The energy of your spiritual body is being activated, bringing vibrations to overcome and encourages a greater sense of unity. The immense light that your spiritual body, in your auric field is gathering and waking naturally affect your other energy bodies, including their physical body. This can result in tension, stress and fatigue in your energy bodies, especially their mental and emotional bodies, but predominantly the spiritual body is driving higher light vibrations in the mental body, which is causing some changes and alterations. Sometimes you may feel like they need to be quiet, because the light soothes and calms your mind.At other times, you may realize that manifest memories they thought they had already treated: this could be their final release. Some may find that your mind is being submerged in the wisdom, or may become heedless. All this is due to the brilliance of the spiritual body.

With larger and more rapid vibrations of light, almost like a waterfall flowing in the mental body, this can be taken to the emotional body. Many people may find that their emotions are intensified. Perhaps they are capable of crying easily, or find clumps of old energy that is emerging. All this is due to the greater anchoring of light in the spiritual body. You can understand that this is a normal day of light, streaming in the spiritual body, through the mental and emotional body into manifestation in the physical world. You would be correct in your understanding, but the light intensity is so great at this time that major changes are occurring rapidly, which leaves little time for recovery and rebalancing the energy.

We feel that if your focus is to bring balance to their bodies: spiritual, mental and emotional, then your whole being will unite with greater force, and harmony would be experienced along each new change and spark energy.

Suggest to you that invoke our energies, Lady Nada, Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, so that we may be useful. We also want to say that you can achieve the same balance for the Earth and Mother Earth when it seems appropriate.

"I invoke the power of the Creator with the most appropriate vibration for me now, so that flow like a pillar of light in my being and through my whole being.Breathe in the essence of the Creator, awakening the divine essence of the Creator within my being. While I breathe, I expand the presence of the Creator within me, allowing the river to flow love too, while I interrupt for a moment my breath and focus.

I invoke the energy, vibration and light from Lady Nada to engage and flow in my spiritual body, securing and creating harmony and balance in my spiritual body. Now imagine and know that my spiritual body in my auric field is completely balanced. Now breathe in my spiritual body to experience the balance created by my being and Lady Nada (Make time). Thank you.

I invoke the energy, vibration and light Kuan Yin to engage and flow in my mental body to ensure and create harmony and balance in my mental body. I wonder now and know my mind in my auric field, the body is completely balanced. Breathe in my mental body to experience the balance created by my being and Kuan Yin. (Take time). Thank you.

I invoke the energy, vibration and light from Mother Mary to wrap and flow in my emotional body to ensure and create harmony and balance in my emotional body.I wonder now and know that my emotional body in my auric field, is completely balanced. Inspired my emotional body to experience the balance created by my being and Mother Mary. (Take time). Thank you.

While the energies of the Creator, Lady Nada, Kuan Yin and Mother Mary come together in my being, harmony and balance were created in my spiritual, mental and emotional bodies, extending to my etheric and physical bodies, allowing changes occur with ease and transitions. "

Spread your arms out to the side, take your right arm above your head and your left arm down simultaneously, then bring both arms at your heart center in prayer position. Spread your arms out to the side, take your left arm above your head, right arm down simultaneously, then bring both arms at your heart center in prayer position. Repeat as many times as they wish.

When you extend your arms to the side, are engaging your auric field and energy bodies, and then with the remaining shares are aligning and energizing, in harmony with your heart chakra. It is a powerful practice of bringing balance and harmony to your entire being.

We hope to consider this beneficial practice evolves while remaining balanced in your ascension,

Lady Nada, Mother Mary and Kuan Yin

Message channeled through Natalie Glasson

The Lighted Ones via Andrew Martin: On Trusting Your Intuition Aug 19

The Lighted Ones: “On Trusting Your Intuition” Channeled through Andrew Martin, The Lighted Ones, August 18, 2014
Greetings Dear Friends!
Today we wish to expand upon the concept of following your intuition.
Can you accept the concept that in each and every moment that which you desire is on its way to you? The path of least resistance is always opening up to you to bring that which you have created into your Now moment. The voice inside of you which some call your gut feeling or your conscience or the voice of God but is what we are calling intuition is always guiding and prompting you to discover the things for which you have been asking. It is only ever in your insistence that you know a better way or your unwillingness to trust or that you must control each step of the process that you push it farther away from you.
Can you see the conflict here? You cannot, on one hand, trust that what you have asked for is on its way to you and on the other hand not trust that you are being guided to it in every moment. Your intuition speaks through your Heart and will never steer you wrong. It is not only the voice that says “don’t go down that dangerous alley”. It is also the voice that guides you to the right questions to ask, or tells you to strike up a conversation with a stranger who turns out to be a powerful ally or someone who can connect you to an important event. Your intuition is your guide, your protector, your friend, your confidant and your genie in the bottle! We would like you to begin the process of trusting your intuition without expectation.
When you summon a request from your Heart then a great treasure hunt begins! Your intuition is like a guide prompting you to the next clue and the next clue and the next clue until finally what you desire is right in front of you, ripe for the picking. Now, if you have asked for something and you are prompted to take a certain action, we know that your ego will jump in to say “well is this going to bring me to what I have asked for? And of the many things that I have asked for, which thing is it going to lead me to”?
Can you begin to believe that a singular event or occurrence might bring you more that what you have asked for? Can you trust that you may experience the fulfillment of multiple desires from one situation? When you accept that you are indeed guided by the eternal flow of unconditional Love, then you can release your need to second guess your intuition. When you begin to trust your intuition without a set expectation of exactly what it will bring you, then the beauty of your life begins to open up and flower before your eyes.
When you use your sense of discernment to question whether or not it is your rational mind commanding you to act from fear or your intuition guiding you to act from Love, then you can begin to trust implicitly that you are moving in the right direction. Your Heart and your intuition will never use fear or intimidation or the false concepts of lack and competition to scare you into action. Your intuition will lovingly guide you to take the next step upon your path to bring you that which you are aligned with in your Heart.
Of course, the Law of Free Will says that you may make whatever choice you want in each moment. The fact that you are an eternal being also means that you don’t have to worry about the idea of getting it wrong or getting it finished. Those concepts are false concepts of the ego and of the rational mind. When you accept that there is only evolution and that death and finality are only stages of transformation, then you can begin to see that there is no way to get it wrong!
Whether it takes you 100 life times or 10 minutes to “get it”…you will eventually get it! From the perspective of All This Is, there is no difference. When you begin to combine the concepts of play and fun to your everyday choices, then each step along your path becomes an exciting question of “what will this day or moment or choice bring me to”?
Would you rather choose to see each choice and each moment as a clue to bring you to the next perfect moment, or would you rather choose to see each choice and each moment as a dreadful chore bringing you one step further to inevitable death and destruction? The choice is yours, Dear Friends. We know what your Heart wants, and if you listen closely enough, you will begin to hear it too!
So choose what you will, it is always up to you. Just know that you always have a choice.
In Love and Light we leave you!

Copyright © Andrew Martin. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter or edit it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice link:

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

So, today I feel quite emotional in a very good way. I feel great changes happening in our world within and without. I take this day to honor my beautiful, blessed and now released grandmother, Mary Trovillion Vancil on her 100th birthday. She set herself free 12 days ago and I've felt her each day in some way. I know she's now assisting me along my path to help mankind awaken to who we truly are. This beautiful BEing embodied unconditional love, and non-judgement.. I accept these qualities as my own as I let go of all that is not LOVE.. I accept the assistance of all of creation to embody these aspects within myself. I thank you Grandma and honor your journey as it was here on Earth and in the Heavens now :)♥     You are young and free and lovingly powerful again!!

Saint Germain's message and an update on the Lion's Gate unfolding energies

Saint Germain's message and an update on the Lion's Gate unfolding energies
August 19, 2014
Message transmitted and received on August 17, 2014 

Hi sweet friends

So we just passed through this recent huge energetic wave that was intensified by the super Full Moon on the 10th of August, after being facilitated by the 08-08 gateway in the first place. We all knew that more of these intense energies would come our way and we do not see the end of this yet. It is like we are running through a program full of surprises characterized by integrations, activations and adaptations to what is coming our way.. or better said what we are growing towards.

It is all in Divine order and we better be thankful for all of this, as major shifts are preparing us to be those gatekeepers we truly are, to hold that space for humankind and for this Ascension process that is presently going on. We are the wayshowers here in full action and we need to take our “job” seriously. No gender, age nor race should be standing in our way now to reunite as one big family and company of lightbeings. We are on our way and more is to come.

So before I will continue with a transmission from Saint Germain, let us talk a little bit about this past portal of the Lion's gate that has been amplified through the super Full Moon and the intensified energies of the great Central Sun of Sirius that have been arriving on our shores simultaneously for about 18 days. It is so that lots of things have been going on worldwide since these gateways and even during them while for me personally I was in my own bubble of light, co-creating an event with Anrita Melchizedek and connecting with amazing soul family in the physical plane at Glastonbury Tor, UK.

We had a beautiful event and have shared beautiful energies during our transmission and everyone was in resonance with each other, filling the days with laughter and love. It truly was a beautiful reconnecting from the virtual and etheric planes to the physical plane. We started with a transmission of Light that was facilitated by Anrita and myself at the Tor on the 08-08 gateway. We gathered with close to 40 beautiful friends at the Tor and did a meditation and transmission to anchor the Diamond Flame of transcendence. A white pillar of Light was seen in the distance during this transmission by fellow lightworkers. This focus and creation was closed by a beautiful music creation by Aviva Ohm. You can find the live transmission here and download it here.

During the workshop weekend we have been going through a great amount of initiations, shifts and adapting to the higher frequencies, activating the diamond lightbody Merkaba up till the 9th dimension. We also have been working around embracing our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Archetypes within ourselves and with the Goddess energies (Lady Portia, Hera and Isis) during my transmission. Talking about intense along with the already intense waves of energies coming from the activated portals at that time. We could see the energies shifting and we were surrounded by beautiful lightbeings that I could catch on camera. See the pictures:

There were a lot of groups in Glastonbury and all around the world that were putting a focus on peace at the same time, as well as groups working with their own energy focus and anchoring this on the Earth. We all could feel the energies enhancing and shifting globally. The more people that come together and focus on the same energies, the stronger shifts will take place allowing the change to enter and the New to be born. Collective focus in unity is a very powerful tool! Surely beautiful things will come out of all these events that were performed during these portals. We have anchored a lot, and not only through our group but also worldwide through many fellow lightworkers.

So major shocker for me when returning back to this collective reality where I find my favorite actor having exited the plane and the upheavals that had started in Iraq. The departure of Robin Williams did touch me deeply as I could sense his deep grief, of not being able to stand the harshness of this world any longer. His smile always did it for me and his genuineness. Iraq was shocking as well, so needed to work on balancing again and doing my best to “land” gently back into this collective reality after such a weekend of high vibes and resonance of Love with so many beautiful like minded hearts. Those that know me, are aware that I am not following the news and so every time I do hear things, I am completely unaware. I choose to not follow this as it is only distraction for me and attempts to bring me in fear. So, apparently it seems that these portal energies were very hard for many, I AM glad I was far away from this all and spending my time in this blissful buble.

Nevertheless, these energies caught up with me, once I got home as I could sense all of the energies and issues ~ I rather call them 'charges' ~ being bombarded at me. I could sense the frustrations of many as well as my own. Feeling frustrated to be back in these lower vibes while I was just recently experiencing myself on such higher levels that were so amazing and beautiful to me. I had a HARD time to come back into the body every time after meditation and it took me longer and longer to be able to ground myself fully into this body. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I had experienced the sense of being One with myself, within myself. I literally experienced my Spirit moving in spiral fluctuations within the body vehicle to integrate my higher levels along with adapting my body to the higher light frequencies of my being. I could not move, once awakening out of my deep meditation and was in a constant state of being one with my higher levels.. why would I leave that state of being? It is simply too overwhelmingly blissful and beautiful.

You see, my sweet friends, all is truly within and not “UP there”. You seek in the wrong direction if you seek it up there, it is all within you and it is YOU that you experience as Ascension.

(image made by Bob Fickes

Alongside this co-creation I also have been working with Bob Fickes while being at the Tor to anchor energies and to link up the Tor with Mount Fuji in Japan. Bob has been channeling Merlin for 40 years ( I always loved his work, listening to his channeled tapes of Merlin when I was 18, as I have never heard anyone channeling Merlin so clear as he does) and I found him again after almost 15 years. Bob lives in Thailand now and he got the message from Merlin that Japan and the land of Avalon (England, Tor) are connected in the sense that Glastonbury Tor in England would be the old Avalon and Mount Fuji in Japan would be the new Avalon.

So Bob asked me to anchor and create a rainbow bridge from the Tor in Glastonbury and to link it up with Mount Fuji in Japan and to send the energies of the Tor to Japan. We (myself and Bob, along with fellow lightworkers) did this on the super full moon. I anchored the Violet Flame at the Tor and created a rainbow bridge anchored at the Tor, running towards Japan and anchoring at Mount Fuji. This way the link up happened and I could see the energies of Avalon at the Tor going towards Mount Fuji under the guidance of the fairies to be anchored in Japan, and simultaneously I could see the new Avalon energies coming from Mount Fuji under the guidance of the fairies coming to the Tor. Mission accomplished!

Here you can find the links of Bob's articles concerning this Here and Here
and Here
More will be shared about this soon when more focus and anchoring is required. I am thinking about maybe making a meditation around this, like the ones I made for the Tor and for Japan ~ I know, it is no coincidence that I already have been linking them unconsciously, I now clearly see why.

That being said, what an adventure and I am sure you all went through yours as well as these energies do not leave anything untouched! Let us now invite Saint Germain to come through and see what he wants to share about all of this all and about the current energies.

Saint Germain:

Welcome my dearly beloved fellow travelers of Light. Your mission is getting into a higher gear at this moment and so you find yourselves to be in a stronger fluctuation of energies and shifts to create that new planetary system you all have been waiting for. It is the understanding of all of you that is changing the planetary systems so they can fall and fade away slowly and gently so as to emit the new incoming energy into this plane.

It is thanks to those brave ones amongst you who are taking the lead and stepping forward to bring the creations into manifestation and to break through the limited barriers that once were created on your Earthly plane. Groups are coming together to co-create in this Global process of changeover as they put a focus on common goals and energies of resonance. There is no mistake or coincidence in these gatherings as these are fractals of certain soul groups that have been accepting in pre-birth agreement to come together when the time is right and to anchor the new incoming energies as well as their own energy signature.

Everyone has his/her own precious contribution for this world and this Ascension process and so you are all called to do your own precious and appreciated contribution, this at your own pace and through your own being. Everyone of you is therefore beyond unique and special, being a part of the oneness of All That Is. Putting out your Divine heart intent is already a major amplifier to what will come on the energy level upon your planes. Hold on to that focus once you have put out your Divine heart intention and call.

You are learning to be those teachers again you once were during the times of Lemuria, Atlantis and Egypt. It is simply a term that is being used here as you have, of course, always been these Great Master beings of Light that carry the Spark and the energy signature of the 144,000 that have descended from the Kumara energy and the Lady of Love ~ Lady Venus. It is in that initiation and activation that you as lightworkers are starting to participate and co-create in. Have a firm knowing of your Divine essence and acknowledge the Divinity within you my friends, there is no such thing of being lesser than another for all are equal.

You are Master teachers so it is time for you to take the responsibility for your thoughts, actions and creations. You will find yourselves more and more in alignment with your Higher levels, being able to experience with the Divine powers of creation through unification. Combined focus and powers are now in place for major changes upon your planes, so be responsible for your own creations and make it worthwhile for the highest good of all Humanity, not only for yourself. This is a collective stage of co-creation, as before you were only responsible for your own creations of reality and thoughts, but now you receive the responsibility for the creations for humankind as you all are starting to unite as a true collective.

This all is a part of the Self Mastery and the Mastership you all have achieved many times before. Likely not all through the process of full Ascension with the physical body in these ancient days, but nevertheless it is something you all are capable of achieving again but this time as a collective and with the body temple if this is your wish and if you have reached that state of consciousness that makes it possible for you to experience this.

The planet is being swept up with energies that are intensifying on a daily basis. Specifics are coming to the fore along with frustrations, emotions and planetary changes. The once so “thin” lines are becoming very thick and clear, the magnifying glass is placed as it were upon that which once was so thin and unnoticeable. That brings up the differences as to how human beings have perceived their lives and their rules as boundaries and limitations, as right and wrong. Diversities, separation and judgment come along with aggressive energies of frustration because those old perceptions that have been held as truth for so long are simply not able to be maintained anymore as it drives against the own personal resonance and energy.

The unawakened too are awakening to their own Divine potential, although much slower than you all as lightworkers, but nevertheless it is that kind of process that is unfolding for these with regards to cope with and work through it. A lot of frustrations are coming up because of not being able to hold on to those belief systems, so one becomes the aggressor and plays his/her frustration out that way. It is commonly believed that one is wrong or right, and that there is only left or right and it is there that the collective has stranded itself in this Now to release that belief system at present and to see right through it with compassion and love.

Let the lower planes and layers of frustrations come out in order to transcend that what once were but when they do, act immediately in compassion and in Love at all times instead of anger and destruction. Be aware of the anger not taking you over. You are transcending all of this as a collective and your role as a lightworker in this is to assist through the anchoring of Love, Light and peace so that balance can come rushing in through those planes where chaos and distortion are still prevalent. Old energies are leaving the planes so you are now in the midst of a huge transcending process within the collective planes. Trust your own guidance if anything comes up for you stirring you to be somewhere, likely it is to bring in your light and peace there through your uniqueness and Divinity.

Well, my friends, let us end with a breath of fresh air and just allow me to simply say thank you and I love you for who you are individually and collectively. I AM always standing by your side during these times so you are never alone in this.

I AM that I AM and so ARE you. Blessings upon all of you.

Copyright © Méline Lafont 2012 – 2014, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered Website Méline:
Saint Germain